Monday, June 20, 2011


Once in a while I like to mix things up a bit at breakfast time. I don't eat the same breakfast everyday anyway, but I do have quite a narrow repertoire - muesli, yoghurt and fruit, eggs on toast, porridge (in the winter), or toast and jam. It seems to work just fine, requires mininimal thought when half asleep and fuels me through the morning.

However, every now and then I get bored. This was one of those weeks, so summoning some Scottish inspiration I made oatcakes to have for breakfast.

Boiled eggs, smoked salmon (well, trout), and homemade oatcakes. I must grow some chives - they would be good with this.

I know that this is not going to set the world on fire with its inventiveness, but it was enough to satisfy my need for something new!

The oatcakes were a little less crisp than the ones you buy in shops, and I imagine they will be very well suited to jams and honeys as well as the savoury accompaniments.

Here's how to make them:

Mix together 50g fine oatmeal with 50g plain flour (white, wholemeal or a mixture) and a pinch of salt.
Rub in 30g chilled butter.
Mix to a dough consistency with water.
Roll out and cut into shapes, or do as I did and form golf ball sized lumps and flatten them with a rolling pin. I added a scrunch of black pepper to the top at this stage.
Heat a heavy frying pan and dry-fry the coatcakes until starting to go golddn at the edges, flip over and bake the other side. Set aside to cool as you cook the rest.

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