I tend to agree - if I don't eat breakfast I'm STARVING for the rest of the day. Its my favourite meal too. Good bread, a lovely cup of hot coffee, time to savour it and gradually emerge from the dozy feeling. Lovely.
However, breakfast is a meal I rarely tinker with. Eggs on toast, porridge, muesli, yoghurt and fruit: these are my standard choices.
This week, purely by chance, I branched out a bit. No massive leaps - I won't be having miso soup or wheatgerm for breakfast any time soon - but I tried my oats soaked in juice instead of made into porridge, and we had American pancakes for breakfast at the weekend (Jamie Oliver's recipe - find it here).
Having declared himself not very hungry Dan wolfed down 3 blueberry pancakes with enthusaism. They were dead easy to make, you just need to ensure than you have enough oil in the frying pan to stop them from sticking. My first one stuck, but after that I got the hang of it.
I swear my pictures are getting worse as time goes on, but these give you the general idea:

Batter in the pan - I was surprised by the consistency of the batter - it was much thicker than a normal pancake batter; more like cake mixture really (makes sense when I think about it - the pancakes are cakier than normal thin pancakes afterall).

The finished thing - they may not be all that neat at the edges, but they tasted lovely with a drizzle of honey.
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