Well, some of Hugh's message must have sunk in, because when I saw this funny looking species on the fishmonger's stall I bought a couple of them on impulse for our dinner:

What can I say? I was intrigued. Its a Red Gurnard in case you were wondering.
Fortunately the fishmonger kindly de-headed and gutted it for me, which made it seem less alarming.
Neither the internet nor my vast array of recipe books came of with many options on how to cook Gurnard, so I decided to wing it and make something up.
This is what I came up with:
Red Gurnard with a courgette, garlic, and parsley stuffing, on herby potatoes.
Yes, yes, I know it doesn't look pretty. I would definitely be marked down for presentation on Masterchef (where I would serve fishfingers, just for a laugh).
I stuffed the 2 fish with 1/2 a courgette, finely chopped and mixed with 3 crushed garlic cloves, finely chopped parsley, a squeeze of lime and a teaspoon of olive oil.
I peeled amd chopped about 350g potatoes, put them in a pan with 1/2 a red onion (sliced), a few basil leaves, a shake of dried oregano and a chopped carrot. I poured 500ml vegetable stock, a squeeze of lemon, and 50g passata over the potatoes, seasoned it and put it in the oven at 200C for 25 minutes.
After 25 minutes I placed the fish on top of the potatoes and put it back in the oven for another 20 minutes.
Then you're done.
A lot of what I read about the fish said that it needed 'pimping' with herbs and a well-flavoured sauce, but having eaten it I think it would be just fine baked or fried with a little butter and lemon, plus seasoning and parsley. It has a really good, almost meaty, texture. Unusual for a white fish.
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