That means the 6 month marker.
Which means I have to do lobster.
Which will be very yummy indeed.
BUT very expensive indeed.
And where on earth do I buy live lobsters?
Actually, I do know the answer to this - the fish stand in the covered market in Oxford. BUT, that means buying them at lunchtime, putting them somewhere at work for the afternoon (I wonder how my work colleagues will feel about 2 small live lobsters crawling around the communal kitchen?), then cycling back to my car with them. Hmmm. That may not work.
And will I really have the heart to plunge them live into boiling water? (Maybe I'll make Dan do that bit.)
And if I do so, will I then want to eat them?
So many questions....
Still, lobster's very tasty.
And I think we have a nice bottle of fizz tucked away somewhere. We will be having a very decadent friday fish supper this week.
As long as I can obtain lobster.

Dan has a tummy bug, so lobster has been abandoned for this week. So there we have it: a stay of execution for the lobster and if I'm honest, a slight element of relief for me! Lucky old lobster.
Next opportunity will be Dan's birthday at the beginning of May. I feel that lobster should be cooked to mark a milestone or a celebration; its too expensive to do for no reason! Anyway, according to the BBC lobster is in season May and June, so that seems to work out well.
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