Friday, November 20, 2009

So why blog?

I'm a control freak.
Lets get that out in the open right from the start.
I like lists and projects and having a plan.
After recipe-of-the-week had lasted a few weeks I realised that it was here to stay for a while and so I needed to keep track of recipes tried. Partly so that I remembered what I had already made and also to remind me whether it was any good and any alterations for next time.
I started by scrawling it down on paper. But as the list got longer that became annoying.
Then I started a computer-list, just in word, nothing fancy.
But then around about week 10 I decided to do it properly. As a child I had scrap books, which I loved working on, but a blog seemed a more modern and immediate way to keep track of my progress.
I might just have to try and do a scrap-book too though. There's something lovely about recipe books handed down through the generations. It would be wonderful to start one and hope it is treasured in future years - but only the recipes that actually work can go in there! This blog will be warts and all.

Incidentally, this week's recipe was Lamb kebabs. Tasty, and good to make as I got to use my griddle pan which I bought from the Le Creuset shop in the Swindon outlet village a couple of years ago, and only used 2 or 3 times since. It seemed like a necessary addition to the kitchen at the time, but I have had a guilty conscience about it sitting in the cupboard largely unused. Halfway through cooking, when waving a tea towel around under the smoke alarm, I remembered that it is nearly always easier to grill things than cook them on the griddle pan.

1 comment:

  1. Control freak? You? Nooo! Teehee. I'm your first blog follower! YES! I'm so excited to read more of your fabulous blog, but I cannot share this with Randy, or he with think girlfriends actually cook for their boyfriends, and we just can't have that nasty rumor getting about ;-)
